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Dating in Med School: What to Expect & How to Make It Work

Located in the burgeoning city of Nashville, our department offers exceptional exposure to all sites of disease, particularly Head and Neck, CNS, and GI malignancies. During the 4-week rotation, you will have the opportunity to work with several attending physicians and their residents. Students will take an active role in the initial evaluation, work-up, discussion of treatment options, and development of radiation treatment plans for patients seen in consultation.

As scheduling allows, you will also be invited to attend operative brachytherapy cases. Students will also attend daily education conferences including didactic lessons with the residents, journal club, and case presentations. At the end of the 4-week rotation, visiting students will give an oral presentation on a relevant topic.

Dating as a premed or medical student is not always easy. Today They have different attending physicians to make the experience easier or more difficult.

Many students and their parents stress more than they need to regarding college choice. The benefits of attending a highly prestigious private university are present, but are usually overstated and may not be worth the additional cost. My recommendation is to certainly strive to get into the best college possible, but keep in mind other important factors beyond prestige such as fit, cost, location, culture, and opportunities related to your areas of interest.

While you can technically major in anything you want so long as you also complete the medical school prerequisites , there certainly are pros and cons to each major. For example, choosing a biology major will result in a greater degree of overlap between your major and medical school requirements, and ultimately a smaller course load which may translate to better grades. That being said, there is a greater number of premeds majoring in bio, and competition will be higher and more cutthroat than many other majors.

For the full analysis, including data of medical school acceptance rates by each major, check out my post on the best major for pre-meds. This should be the time where you establish your foundational habits that will facilitate success moving forward as you begin to be pulled in multiple directions. Dialing in your evidence-based study strategies , which we discuss extensively on this channel, is a great place to start.

Set up a regular exercise routine, establish your social circle, and properly adjust to this new chapter of your life. In the second half of your freshman year, begin seeking out relevant extracurriculars that are related to your interests and passion for medicine. By securing a position early on, I had ample time to secure a publication and two abstracts before I applied to medical school. This is important.

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