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Destiny 2: Heroic Strike guide


Theres been some controversy in the Destiny community lately, with some players feeling that Heroic Strikes are just too hard and others saying that they are fine they way they are. I tend to agree with the former, Heroic Strikes are a bit over the top. I also played a few Heroic Strikes yesterday, before I even went to start the other milestones as they are supposed to be updated now to drop gear up to power level Sure I could have played more and maybe got something but after several wipes in Strange Terrain against Nokris and a few wipes in the Pyramidion strike against Brakion, Genesis Mind I really couldn;t take any more Heroic Strikes.

With Warmind modifiers were added to Heroic Strikes to make them a bit more challenging and interesting I suppose and to make them more similar to Destiny 1 Heroic Strikes. Considering a lot of strikes are Hive Thrall who can easily overrun you just makes for some unfun gameplay.

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Buy The latest weekly reset in Destiny 2 has occurred, kicking off the next week of activities in Bungie’s recently launched shooter. Among other things, that means the next Nightfall Strike is now available, as are its new modifiers, Challenges, and rewards. It’s Monday, and the next weekly reset is coming up soon. Following maintenance, Destiny 2 is back online with a new update , giving you one last chance to complete the Nightfall.

As with all Nightfalls in Destiny 2, it features a time limit, so you won’t be able to approach this as you would a Strike in the first game. A total of three modifiers are active this week, one of which again offers a way to earn additional time. Anomalies presents a limited number of objects throughout the mission for you to shoot; each one provides an additional 30 seconds of time to finish the Strike.

The other two modifiers more directly impact combat.

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