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11 Things You Need To Know About Paige Dating Alberto Del Rio


December 2, The tell-tale signs of whether or not he’ll be a good match for you. In the online dating game, wouldn’t you like to be able to tell right off the bat if a guy will be a good match for you? Even better, don’t you want to see the red flags in his profile before your date ends up being a total disaster? As hard as it is to believe, these little signs can actually be the difference between finding someone who is relationship material or just meeting a player who is only looking for a good time without the commitment.

For starters, it’s imperative to look out for all of the tell-tale signs that his profile page is bound to have.

Twenty-six things a perfect guy would do and other propaganda disseminated by women.

But what does the scientific community have to say about the equation of attractiveness? Is beauty really only in the eye of the beholder? Or are there certain features that steal the show when a man looks at a woman? According to research, men are attracted to certain features over others and this is mostly due to a subconscious, animalistic instinct. Traits associated with procreation, sensuality, and health are key players in the art of seduction.

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So what are the traits that men secretly find attractive in women? Hourglass figure An hourglass refers to a hip to waist ratio where thick hips are in! Women often think men like skinny, but body shape attractiveness on an instinctual level has more to do with how its perceived in relation to reproductivity. Big hips and curved lower backs relate to a woman’s ability to conceive.

Women often think men like skinny, but men are most often attracted to a voluptuous figure, which includes wide, child-bearing hips. A small waist and curvaceous hip region signals youth and fertility. So don’t disguise your shape. If you’ve got hips like Shakira, rock them! This is perhaps due to its associations with a strong and healthy bloodline.

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